Masonry Block and Tools


Concrete Block
2 core block - 18” (special order), 16”, 14”, Stocked: 12”, 10”, 8”, 6”, 4”, 2”
*Also available – A Block, 2nds, Sash/Pier, FHA/Semi-Solids, L-Corners, and half block
Solids: 12”, 8”, 6”, 4”, 3”, 2”

Reinforcement Materials
Wall Reinforcement (Dura-Wall) in Ladur or Truss Style, Anchor Bolts, Anchor Clips, Metal Lath, Rebar (1/2”, 5/8”, ¾”), Vents, Wall Flashing Perm. Barrier, Wall Ties, Plastic Weep Holes, Z-Bar

Concrete Lintels
Both 4” & 6” wide x 8” x 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 132, 144

Chimney or Flue Items
Chimney Block: 16x16, 17x21, 17x17, 17x21
Flue Liners: 8x8, 8x12, 12x12, 13x18, 18x18
Crocks: 6”x 12, 18, 24 lengths / 7”x 12, 18, 24 lengths 8” x /12, 18, 24 lengths
Clean out Doors: 8x8 or 8x12
Chimney Covers, Heat Stop (refractory cement), Fire Brick (1-1/4” & 2-1/2”), Dampers
Bagged Product
Type S Mason Lime, Type S Mortar (grey or white), Type N Mortar (grey or white), Portland (grey or white), Quikcrete: Type S and Concrete Mix, & Mortar Accelerators
Water Proofing
Conproco , Fiberbond, Sealers, Hydraulic Cement, etc.
Tools & Supplies
Other Products
Perlite Insulation
4 cf bags